Comdial Impact FXS Spécifications

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Installing the SCbus Interface Board
in the Impact FXS Digital Communications System
Introducing the SCbus Interface Board
The SCbus interface board allows Computer Telephony (CT) applications to connect one or more SCbus
compatible circuit boards in the Impact FXS computer (for example; network, voice, facsimile, speech
recognition, video, and so forth) to the Impact FXS’ digital station or trunk ports through time division
multiplexing (TDM) on the SCbus.
SCbus is a TDM bus for communications within a node of the Signal Computing System Architecture (SCSA).
(The SCSA standard specifies the signal processing system for PC-based voice and call processing, and telecom
switching.) The SCbus features an architecture that includes a serial message path for signaling and control and a
16-wire parallel Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) data path.
The conversion of a CTI application from traditional loop start ports to digital SCbus ports provides a more
effective and efficient operation than that provided by analog ports, which historically have been used in the CTI
CTI applications use the Enterprise or
toolkit in order to perform switching operations and call
processing on the Impact FXS SCbus interface board that is plugged into the Impact FXS proprietary telecom
backplane. These toolkits consist of PC software libraries that provide the instructions to the FX system for
performing these functions.
When installing more than one SCbus interface board, install the first one in the 6th (top) universal board slot of
the Impact FXS telephony portion and the next one in the 5th universal board slot, and so forth. Connect the
SCbus interface board’s ribbon cable to the CTI application board that is plugged onto the Impact FXS
computer’s motherboard. The internal cable connection between the SCbus board and the CTI application board
routes the voice-path between the two locations. Attach the PC power cable from the power supply to the SCbus
interface board to the first SCbus interface board you installed. Any subsequent SCbus interface boards you install
do not require the power connection. In addition to these internal cables, the installation requires external cabling
between the Impact FXS system’s computer and telephony portion. The particular external cabling required is
dependent upon the CTI application being operated. For example, when using a voice mail application, a cable is
required to connect the computer’s COM 2 port to the telephony’s COM 2 port. The cabling requirements are
illustrated in the figure on page 7 of this instruction.
An SCbus installation includes the following items:
SCbus Interface Board (product code FXSCBUS),
SCbus Application Board or Boards (as needed),
Enterprise ToolKit Software including all required disks (product code ENTRP-SW).
is a registered trademark of Comdial Corporation, Charlottesville, VA
Printed in U.S.A. IMI89–313.01
This manual has been developed by Comdial Corporation (the “Company”) and is intended for the use of its customers and service personnel. The information in this manual is subject to change without notice. While every effort
has been made to eliminate errors, the Company disclaims liability for any difficulties arising from the interpretation of the information contained herein.
The information contained herein does not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment nor to provide for every possible contingency to be met in connection with installation, operation, or maintenance. Should further
information be desired, or should particular problems arise which are not covered sufficiently for the purchaser’s purposes, contact Comdial, Inside Sales Department, Charlottesville, Virginia 22906.
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Résumé du contenu

Page 1

Installing the SCbus Interface Boardin the Impact FXS Digital Communications SystemIntroducing the SCbus Interface BoardThe SCbus interface board allo

Page 2

Configuring the SCbus PortsYou configure the 32 SC ports as station ports or disabled ports.1. Start the VMMI programming application.2.Go to the Boar

Page 3 - Static 2

Reviewing Technical Specifications•Runs in SCbus mode—does not support the Pulse Code Modulation Expansion Bus (PEB) mode•Runs at 4MHz bus speed with

Page 4

Removing and Installing Circuit BoardsCAUTIONCircuit boards for the Impact FXS system are susceptible to damage caused by electrostatic discharge,and

Page 5

Removing and Installing SCbus Interface Boards1. Normally you should disconnect the AC power cord from the AC outlet and disconnect the optional batte

Page 6

Removing and Installing Circuit Boards – 5Installing the SCbus Interface Board IMI89–313remove.cdrRemoving and Installing Circuit Boardsscrews2.cdrLoc

Page 7

Connecting the Interface CablingConnections between the SCbus Interface board and the SCbus compatible CTI application board include theinternal ribbo

Page 8 - Installing the Board

Connecting the Interface Cabling – 7Installing the SCbus Interface Board IMI89–313Maintenance Port- System Software Turn On- Initial VMMI Programming-

Page 9 - Configuring the Clock

Programming the System for SCbus Interface Board OperationOnce you have installed the SCbus interface board in the equipment cabinet and made the nece

Page 10 - Configuring the SCbus Ports

Configuring the ClockFor proper operation, you must only configure one SCbus board as the master clock on a given SCbus ribboncable. This means that w

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